Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Chocolate, ginger and praline bombe

100 g dark chocolate
200-300 g ginger preserve
600 ml double cream
50-100 g sugar
50-100 g flaked almonds

Measure 450ml of cream and whip well (it should be quite thick). Grate 30 g of chocolate and mix into whipped cream and ginger preserve. The next time I will be making it, I will add less ginger (200g or less), as together with chocolate it gives quite sickening sweet taste. Take a bowl and line with clingfilm and pour the mixture into it, cover and freeze for at least 4 h, better overnight.
Heat sugar in a pan until it caramelizes, mix the almonds in. Pour the mixture on a flat surface covered with foil, leave for few hours, or overnight.
Next what you do is pour the rest of cream into a saucepan, break the rest of chocolate, mix in, heat everything on the low heat, then leave to cool for until it thickens.
Now take the bowl out of the freezer, turn and take the bombe out, put on a plate. Pour the praline mixture over it, decorate with almond caramel, broken into pieces. Put again in a freezer for about an hour.

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